Cape Cod Community College is deeply woven into the fabric of its region. We are always looking to build and grow alliances to advance both its mission and the region as a whole. Below are a list of Education Partnerships that 4Cs is a part of.
Academy for Lifelong Learning (ALL)
The Academy for Lifelong Learning promotes the skills, wit and wisdom of our retired population. Challenging its members to explore new areas of interest in peer-directed learning groups by providing them with an opportunity to maintain intellectual vigor in an educationally supportive environment. The opportunities for learning in the Academy are unlimited.
This partnership connects 4Cs, Bridgewater State University, Bristol Community College, Massasoit Community College, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, UMass-Dartmouth, and local schools.
See also: CONNECT website
Zammer Institute for Hospitality and Culinary Studies
The College is proud to be the home to the Linda and William Zammer Institute for Hospitality and Culinary Studies. It is the pathway for students into well-paying hospitality and culinary careers, and is a vehicle through which the College quickly responds to the ever changing needs of the region's hospitality and service-based economy.
Leadership Cape Cod
Leadership Cape Cod was formed to identify and nurture existing and potential leaders, increase their knowledge of community, and develop networks of individuals who can help each other solve community problems. This increased knowledge of community and expanded network of graduates will ensure that the public service/business sector will have trained people able to function as leaders for future community development. For more information, call 774.330.4483.
See also: Leadership Cape Cod
Cotton Center for Real Estate Studies
The Cotton Center for Real Estate Studies, established with a generous contribution of Jack and Ann Marie Cotton, is dedicated to the education and continued professional development of real estate professionals and the mentoring of those new to and seeking to enter the profession. The Center focuses energy and activity on advancing the field and affiliated elements while empowering individuals to attain home ownership. For further information about the Cotton Center for Real Estate Studies, contact the coordinator at 508.3375.5010.
See also: Cotton Center website
After School "America Reads" Tutoring Program
Cape Cod Community College participates in the America Reads program. ETU101 is offered by the Department of Language and Literature which trains college students as volunteer tutors for students at the elementary school level. Students earn college credit for ETU101PDF document (at no charge) and may be eligible for work/study as well. For more information about the course, call: 774.330.4453.
See also: Community Engagement
CVTE Linkage-Tech Prep
Cape Cod Community College has entered into a number of articulation agreements with high schools from this region to grant credit for students who have completed career vocational technical education courses (CVTE) courses and achieved a B or better. CVTE Linkage-Tech Prep offers College Placement Testing (CPT) on-site to high school to provide college readiness feedback. The program is funded by allocations to the college from the Massachusetts Department of Education through the Carl Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 2006.
See also: CVTE Linkage
Speakers Bureau
Cape Cod Community College faculty and staff members are a valuable resource of knowledge and insight for the entire region. The College maintains a Speakers Bureau list of individuals and groups within the institution who are prepared to make presentations and share their expertise on topics of personal and professional interest. A list of current topics and speakers is available through the Office of College Communications: 774.330.4714.